Grailed badges denote users who exhibit exceptional performance on Grailed as outlined under each badge name.
Quick Responder
Expect a quick response from this seller—usually within 12 hours. Quick Responders have successfully responded to at least 10 messages in the past 3 months and have responded within 12 hours 90% of the time. (Please note that response times are not tracked while you are in Vacation Mode.)
Speedy Shipper
If based in the US, this seller is top-rated for shipping in Expedited Delivery transactions in the last 6 months, has successfully completed at least 3 sales in the last 6 months, and has Expedited Delivery enabled.
If based internationally, this seller is top-rated for shipping in Expedited Delivery transactions in the last 6 months and has successfully completed at least 3 sales in the last 6 months.
(Please note that items sold while in Vacation Mode are not tracked.)
Trusted Seller
This experienced seller is top-rated for accurate item information and transactions. Trusted sellers have completed at least 20 sales with a high feedback score of 4.8 or above.
Grailed Verified
This user is an original Grailed seller, or a partner or affiliate of Grailed.
Grailed Admin
This user is a Grailed Administrator.
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