Grailed badges denote users who exhibit exceptional performance on Grailed as outlined under each badge name.
Quick Responder
Expect a quick response from this seller—usually within 12 hours. Quick Responders have successfully responded to at least 10 messages in the past 3 months and have responded within 12 hours 90% of the time. (Please note that response times are not tracked while you are in Vacation Mode.)
Speedy Shipper
If based in the US, this seller ships within 48 hours for at least 66% of transactions in the last 6 months, has successfully completed at least 3 sales in the last 6 months, and has Expedited Shipping enabled.
If based internationally, this sellers ships within 48 hours for at least 66% of transactions in the last 6 months and has successfully completed at least 3 sales in the last 6 months.
(Please note that items sold while in Vacation Mode are not tracked.)
Trusted Seller
This experienced seller is top-rated for accurate item information and transactions. Trusted sellers have completed at least 20 sales with a high feedback score of 4.8 or above.
Grailed Verified
This user is an original Grailed seller, or a partner or affiliate of Grailed.
Grailed Admin
This user is a Grailed Administrator.
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